Wallstreet journal looked into 105 random death certificates from Mexico.
Out of 105, 4 were marked as confirmed covid19 cases, while 64 deaths were labled atypical pneumonia (as cause of death).
So doctors had noted "probably covid19" on 52 of these 64 deaths, but they weren't counted.
So maxico apparently barely tests for covid, and doesnt count what doctors suspect is covid19.
If you go to worldometers.info/coronavirus/ and look at mexico, you'll see ~4220 (currently) deaths as caused by covid19.
Wallstreet journal are saying that number is likely 8-16 times higher (than offical reported numbers).
This just proves that counting, these things vary way to much to compair country to country.
Mexico apparently isnt reporting honestly with infections either, their eager to get economy back on track.
Why do politicans think you can just ignore this? Just manipulate numbers and lie about deaths?
Is this really a viable way to handle a virus outbreak?