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TopCat8 said:
Runa216 said:

Why would it? I think that'd be interesting, for sure, and given the writing of the last game I'm sure it'd be compelling somehow. (Kratos is Greek, and greeks had male lovers pretty frequently, if you remember history) Nobody's buying *Redacted* because The main character's a lesbian, they're buying it because it's fun and well written. Some people will feel more validated knowing that they are being included, but I can't think of any reason anyone would buy a game solely because there's a gay character in it. that would be silly.

The real question is: would you avoid the next God of War if they did that even if you otherwise loved the prior entries? 

The issue here is that gay folks buy games whether they're represented or not, but probably feel far better respected if they are represented. it's inclusion of minorities, not exclusion of majorities. Straight people (or otherwise bigoted people who are for whatever reason uncomfortable with gay/lesbian/queer folk) will VERY clearly avoid games in order to 'not support an SJW agenda' while trying to frame it as their actions being somehow rebellious or righteous. That's the issue. People who are part of the majority acting like they're being repressed because they are subjected to the reality of gay people existing in their bubble. This was never about 'pandering', it was always about representation. 

The way you phrased your question makes it sound like you were trying REALLY hard to 'gotcha' to whoever responded. Like, the way it was asked made it clear like you had a canned response of 'see? so why would you support this?' if anyone said 'No, it's thematically inappropriate' or something. Maybe you weren't planning that and maybe that was never your intention, but I see all sorts of that all the time on this forum and elsewhere. In time you learn to pick up on what's bait and what's a genuine question. whether it was intended or not, your inquiry sounded like bait to me. 

OMG. I literally just asked a question to start a discussion on something I'm passionate about, but you can think of it however you want to. I already said earlier in this thread that I can be added to the gaymer list, so if you think I'm here TrOlLiNg ThE gAyS or something dumb, you should probably get a reality check. I should have just followed my instincts and not posted on this trainwreck of a thread because I just tried to start a valid discussion, and this is the response I'm met with. I bolded the only meaningful thing you said.

Also, in answer to your "real question", I would be way more likely to buy the next GoW game is there was some hot guy-on-guy action. That's the only thing that could make it any better, tbh.

Yeah, some hot Kratos on Baldur action would be hot, no doubt. Wouldn't make me buy the game, though. I'd LOVE to see that shit on pornhub! 

and dude, you should know better than anyone (Assuming that's you in your avatar, potentially both black and gay) that the question definitely seemed to be very much so a leading question, the kind of question shitty people ask if they're trying to push a very specific narrative. It just seemed like a silly way to ask, is all. 

Seriously, I should get a reality check for trying to shut down what I thought was a disingenuous line of questioning before it gained traction? And, look at this thread: How many people were doing exactly what I was worried you were doing? Defenses are up for a reason, I'm not just flailing about trying to pick fights. I even said at the end that there was a chance this was NOT how you intended it, subtly implying that I knew there was a chance I was off-base and being proactive. 

but hey, I'm the bad bitch here. I'm always the bad bitch no matter where I go because I argue with people. I'm used to being vilified. 

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