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Pemalite said:
SvennoJ said:

I never heard of using instead of chemo, it just helps combat the nausea. Chemo treatment is no guarantee either and understandable when people with low survival chances would rather not endure the 'cure'.

Always do your own research, plus they already said of their own research that you can't simply buy those specific canaboids in a store anyway. It's a long way away from a viable 'treatment' or preventative measure, but the anti inflammatory properties are well known. However you also have to be careful there.

There are never any guarantees in medicine.

But I would certainly take Chemo over someones support of Cannabis on facebook , one is scientifically sound and supported.

Doing your own "research" is also disingenuous.... People do research all the time... And because of that, there is an entire community using pseudo-scientific "evidence" to prove the Earth is flat... Or that vaccines cause Autism or Chemtrails or any of the other crazy conspiracy theories that float the internet these days.
Plus your statement reads like I haven't done any reading into this topic, simply because it comes into conflict with your own statement, which couldn't be farther from the truth... Plus I am not the one spreading/reading from "sources" from groups with a financial conflict of interest.

What needs to happen is an adherence to the scientific method and the experts in the field...
It always baffles me how some random redneck bogan from the "school of hard knocks" who watched a random Youtube video... Somehow thinks he has done more "research" on a topic and "knows more" than someone who spent 3 years studying for a degree, then a further 3 years studying for a PHD, spent more years in a professional capacity studying, forming hypothesis, building functional models, formed conclusions with findings published and peer reviewed...

It's absolutely bullshit.

The internet literally has the information to backup -any- argument you could possibly hypothesize, meaning "doing your own research" is a rubbish response whichever way you cut it.

SvennoJ said:

It does help to get a good sleep, which is a natural cure :)

This is also disingenuous.
Something that is natural doesn't equate to it being healthy, helpful, or good.

Nightshade is "natural" but the atropine and scopolamine will kill you.

Tobacco is natural... And the millions of people who have debilitating illnesses and have thus died from it... Ranks in the millions.

Cannabis when consumed in it's most popular form... Aka. Smoking shares over 50 of the same carcinogens as Tobacco, thus it can actually cause cancer, not to mention the attributed deaths and injuries associated from reduced motor functions which can impair your ability to perform tasks such as driving.
It's not the "perfect little drug" that many portray it to be I am afraid.

Either way... I would NOT be using cannabis, disinfectant or whatever home "cures" to treat anything, even COVID, speak to a professional first.

This is what I mean by doing my own 'research'
Not anecdotes, or twitter or you tube or face book crap...

All I meant with sleep as a cure, is it's the opposite of stress making things worse.

Cannabis helped me through a bad back injury, too much pain to sleep for months, less negative effects and less damaging to the liver as apposed to subscription and over the counter pain medication. It's not a "cure", it facilitates the healing process by reducing inflammation and stress levels. It was more effective than toradol (ketorolac) which you can't even use for more than 5 or 6 days.

But very true, smoking is no good in general. And you shouldn't be driving with pain killers either. Smoking is no way to dose either, oil extracts with known concentration is the way to go.

As for chemo, I know people that have simply said enough is enough. Stick it out with pain management and make peace with the inevitable. I'm not saying that's what your friend did, maybe he was truly misled which really sucks. My wife has been burned so many times with 'alternative' cures, last one being the chiropractor promising to help her chronic headaches. 100 treatments later, no improvement.

I'll keep using disinfectants to treat wounds and cannabis for getting at least 6 hours of sleep at night instead of 3 or 4 and being exhausted all day. Driving while tired is even more dangerous, I've had mornings where I really should not have been on the road. I've actually fallen asleep while cycling a couple times, down an embankment or clipping a pole while fighting to keep my eyes open :/

Anyway sorry if I hit a nerve. By the history of articles I link you should know I don't get my 'research' from you tube. (hate that medium with a passion when it comes to information sharing)