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Trumpstyle said:
Pemalite said:

The first COVID case was identified in Australia on January the 25th from an individual who came back on the 19th of January... WHO didn't declare it as an outbreak until the 30th of January.

We started to "screen" incoming travelers on the 23rd of January, with information packs given to all travelers about the virus and what to do if they show symptoms.

So Australia was already taking action before the World-Health Organisation started to make any movements.

The first COVID death didn't occur in Australia until the 1st of March, by then we had already activated the emergency sector health plan and various emergency services were stepping up to take on the problem by stockpiling PPE, training and so on to assist the Ambulance and various health organizations.

The ball was rolling to tackle COVID here well and truly in advance before we initiated lockdown measures.

We were successful at halting the spread through a world-class health system, appropriate dissemination of information and advice from trusted resources and quick and decisive action from government that people adhered to.

Yes you guys starting screening folks in late Jan, what would happen if the virus hit your country already back in Oct/NOV? Sweden was in that military world games, New zealand and Australia was not. But I notice S. Korea, Thailand, Vietnam were in that game, but not the other countries I mention.

Wouldn't have made a difference if it dropped in October or January, the response plan was already in place and we would have responded the exact same way... The Government doesn't enact health-related policies without first conversing with the various health agencies and professionals first.. And thus tends to act on their advice rather than think they "know what is best" and do their own thing.

That is ultimately the difference between the Australian and American situation.

Contrary to popular belief, many nations across the planet had been preparing for this exact scenario for decades, I trained in it every few years as a firefighter and first responder.. And we took lessons from Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola and more to build the appropriate comprehensive all-hazards approach response to pandemics and other health-related issues.
We built stockpiles of resources and PPE, we engaged other necessary stakeholders at every level, we were as best prepared as possible.

And so was New Zealand who we closely affiliate and work with on most aspects of international and national issues and have built various memoranda's of understanding to build frameworks to manage these scenarios effectively... And that is why we both had similar outcomes.

The geographical advantage that gave us extra time certainly didn't play against us either, but we cannot attribute those successes to just that.

The USA for example is about to open up their economy at the expense of American lives before "defeating" the virus. Again, chalk and cheese responses.

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