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HoangNhatAnh said:
curl-6 said:
Lorithia did have reason, she wanted to keep the High Entia bloodline clean, she was racially motivated. Mumkhar may not have had a teary backstory. but he doesn't need one, he's just an enjoyably hateable example of what happens when a selfish person is given great power.`

Plus the characters in XBC2 were sometimes cringey and annoying to a degree that none of XBC1's character ever are.

Then she just needs to finish Melia alone, she had a plenty of times to kill Melia when she wasn't in Shulk's group yet. Mumkhar is just a bad guy for the sake of it.

"cringey and annoying" but XC2 also has a lot of touching moments for many villains, even the most hated one or the final boss, unlike Zanza - a completely a***ole. I could feed bad and sympathy (more or less) for any XC2 villain, but not XC1, outside Egil and perhaps Dickson for a bit, all are tra** to me.


She does try to kill Melia alone, Shulk and co show up to save her, there's a whole boss fight around this.

Zanza may not be sympathetic, but ultimately, a villain does not necessarily need to be. He's ultimately acting out of self-preservation combined with his tendency to see the inhabitants of this new universe like ants in a jar due to him being its creator.

In both games, a lot of it ultimately boils down to how people deal with being given great power; whether they allow themselves to be corrupted by it, or whether they try and use it constructively.

I just find XBC1's characters to be more charming and likable, and they never made me cringe or roll my eyes the way XBC2's sometimes did. (Looking at you Tora/Zeke)