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For some reason I was never interested in the Xbox games and thought the size of it was just ridiculous. The fondest memory I have of the original Xbox was when a friend told me his machine caught on fire, I thought that it was hilarious for some reason, and than he dropped that it was the second time that it had happened. Well, the first time it was "just smoke". Still laugh about it sometimes. Was apparently something wrong with the power cable for some shipments of the console.

The Dreamcast wins it for me, had lots of fun with Chu Chu rocket and Rayman 2 the great escape where I consider the Dreamcast version of that game to be the best. But I probalby had the most fun with a game called Dynamite cop. Not really that good of a game to be fair, but it was fun in a stupid way.

I think one thing to note for the discussions in the thread is that the Dreamcast vas discontinued in march or april of 2001, several months before the initial launch of the Xbox in north America and almost one full year before the Xbox released in Europe.
I never viewed Dreamcast as a console from the same generation as the Gamecube, Playstation 2 and Xbox. Probably because I had never heard of or seen a Sega Saturn. I thought of it more as a competitor to the N64 and PS1.