Pyro as Bill said: Most of that was accounted for in this study and when adjusted for age brought the number down from 4 times as likely for black people to die to twice as likely. |
Where are the numbers? Number of confirmed infected by ethnicity? What is confirmed is that low income neighborhoods are hit much harder due to work and living conditions. The attack rate of the virus is much worse in densely populated areas as well, lower income, more densely populated.
It's still a meaningless statistic, saying 2 times more likely for black people to die, when there is a big disparity in living and working conditions which has a direct impact on the spread of covid19. Even if we could divide nr of black deaths / number of positive black tests, we still wouldn't know all that much since lower income also means lesser means to get tested.
What it does show is that minorities are among the higher at risk groups due to social distancing challenges in more densely populated lower income areas. Sadly the correlation between minorities (not all) and lower income is still very real.