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John2290 said:
RolStoppable said:

I just like to play with your paranoia that it's not allowed to talk about certain things anymore. That's all.

It is though, you can't say these things even if they are factual, partly routed in fact or at least a conversation that should be explored if you don't wanna end up dog piled with everyones assumption being you're full of hate. 

Look at the times I mentioned war and famine in thia thread and poeples take away was "the end of the world" and/or "world war 3". It's that on steroids except the difference being that one is an assumption of character that can't be defended even when playing devils advocate to get to the truth. I just want truth, Rol, For the love of god let me dig for the truth! Even if it means navigating falsehoods or half truths to get there. The truth dammit. 

The truth is that it looks like part of Europe and Canada have given up on a suppression approach. While Australia and New Zealand are waiting until community spread is all but eliminated, we are starting things up again while we're still in the hundreds (over 1300 country wide) of new cases a day.

This seems to be the truth from now on
“It does seem that there will be second and third waves of the virus and we are likely going to need to adapt how we work several times over the next months to years,"
Work places are currently preparing to work through the pandemic, mitigation in all but name. Currently Ontario has had 12 days of declining numbers, yet still reports 400 new cases per day, likely hiding a lot more undetected cases. Plus the rate of decline is only 90% to 80% week over week. But tomorrow is go day for many places, phase 1 of the new normal.

No school yet until the end of the month and most offices still need to prepare to somehow keep everyone apart. Move desks further apart, remove all the common used items like remotes and drawing board markers. Create one way lanes in office spaces. Staggered work hours to avoid everyone coming and going at the same time. One week work from home, one in the office to thin out the number of people. Limit entry to buildings and access to places inside buildings. Regular cleaning of door handles, protocols for using the elevators. Maximum 4 people per meeting which have to sit far apart.

Then of course the whole 2 meter rule was just thrown out the window with a cough test, after it being proven that the virus can still be viable in an aerosol for up to 3 hours. Breathing recirculated air inside an office space where particles can build up instead of blown away by the wind :/

Instead of waiting another month, we'll just see how it goes and adapt to a second and third wave... So basically my wife is screwed. Not safe until community spread has been eliminated, which seems off the table.

Different strategies

Japan bobbing along trying to work through the pandemic.
South Korea went for full suppression and now has a much easier job to work through the pandemic.
Australia, pretty much eliminated community spread but is seeing a little uptick atm, it's still only in the 20s.
Canada, working hard on creating the new normal, Quebec leading the way while they are the hardest hit. (910 new cases, 112 deaths today)

Brazil and Iran and finding the test capacity to see how bad it has gotten :/
Not sure what's going on with Turkey, they created the perfect active case curve, not a single hitch, perfectly smooth...

I'm still working on a new set of graphs to highlight the slow down rate.

Australia A+, not fooling around. Straight down and under the 50% week over week until they got below the 40 cases per day.
South Korea had that little hitch opening things up again but they know how to stop the spread.
Japan can do a good job on suppression as well, however currently they stopped going down again. (Today's numbers are missing)
Iran is a strange one, a big spike where testing was ramped up and then an almost artificial decline until a few days ago.
Canada, struggling to get and stay below the 100% line, same as the USA, but hey let's start opening things up already.

Anyway, there doesn't seem to be much coordination here. Every province has its own ideas and plans. Our schools stay closed until May 31st at least, yet other places can start opening up. BC is getting ready to move on, which is logical since they are doing as well as Australia. However what does that mean for cross country traffic. BC is west coast, over 3000 km away from here, we do have the luxury of being quite spread out :)

I'll add Ireland to my graphs for Europe, see how it compares to other sub 1000 daily cases countries.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 07 May 2020