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Pemalite said:
Doctor_MG said:

I would definitely agree with the other guy regarding the Xbox controller. It's heavily inspired by both the Dreamcast and Saturn 3D pads. Xbox had no real need for controller expansion ports on their console as the 8GB of hard disk space was enough for save data, yet they decided to include two controller ports anyway. Why? Not to mention the ABXY arrangement is exactly the same way Sega arranged theirs on the Dreamcast. They used six facebuttons instead of the four that Gamecube and PS2 used. Even the disk like structure in the middle is similar to both the Dreamcast and the Saturn 3D pad. It features analog triggers virtually identical to the Dreamcast and 3D Pad. It even features a breakaway controller plug in JUST like the Xbox controller does. Microsoft was clearly inspired by Sega's controllers.

Already demonstrated how faulty it is using controllers to assert that a console is a "spiritual successor" to another console.

I.E. Playstation 5 uses ergonomics clearly inspired by the Xbox One, doesn't mean the Playstation 5 is the spiritual successor to the Xbox One.

Or the Switch Pro controller is also inspired by the Xbox controller, doesn't mean the Switch is a spiritual successor to the Xbox.

Every company takes design cues from another... A good idea is simply a good idea... Again, Sega wasn't the first company to have ports on the controller for expandability, the Nintendo 64 did it a whole generation earlier.

As for the ABXY arrangement, there is only so many ways you can take that approach... And is an argument that is questionable at best.

Six-face buttons has existed for a long time... Again. The Nintendo 64 did it with it's 4-C button layout plus A+B buttons, doesn't mean the Dreamcast was the spiritual successor to the Nintendo 64.
The Xbox used the secondary white/black buttons mostly as start/select for the most part.

I will say it one last time. Microsoft directly used Dreamcast controllers to model the duke after. This is not a fan comment. This is fact. The controller was by MS own admission in the book Opening the Xbox they used Dreamcast as a focus test console. They modeled the controller after Dreamcast, tho the duke ended up larger than they wanted due to the board. Why it had 2 memory card of them was going to be for an Xbox VMU that was scrapped. They used the same colored buttons and the same layout. The Xbox controller was directly the successor to the DC controller. Also like the DC the online headset plugged into it and yes DC had a headset that plugged into the controller. Not just the mic. I own it. The DC controller was evolved from the Saturn 3D pad.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!