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JRPGfan said:
John2290 said:

Definitely, same for most of Europe and many countries here are confirming this now after Brussels went ham on recording deaths. 

In denmark our excess death is like ~4,5%.
And basically match up to our reported number of Covid19 outcomes of that nature (we've had 484 deaths so far to it).
NYT basically said we re the "only" honest country about deaths and covid19 reporting, out of the 60+ nations they looked into.

Alot of other european countries have also started counting nurseing homes, home deaths, ect.
So I doubt theres "twice" as many deaths in europe as reported.

Im willing to believe that in the US, with alot of people being scared of hospital bills, fewer people than probably should, seek medical help.
Thus number of people that die at home, due to a blood clot and have heart attacks (from covid19) is likely higher than in most european countries.
People that "think" they can make it, and then just sleep in, never to wake again (from covid19), are also higher there.

It makes sense to assume, that in the US more people are dieing at home, than in europe.
And that these people arnt tested and counted towards the total. Which to be fair, also happend earlier on in alot of european countries.

UK recently corrected their death total for nursing home deaths, adding over 4K deaths but spread out all the way back to early March, and now they're (trying) to be accurate and include them right away. Belgium has done some corrections, France as well. So indeed not all countries are far behind in reported deaths.

The fear of catching covid19 at the hospital is also adding deaths. ERs here have 30% to 40% fewer cases with free health care. Then when people come in they have a good chance to die from an already burst appendix... But also for covid19, sticking it out at home until it gets bad (because more comfortable at home etc) can quickly go wrong. In hospitals they said that it can literally deteriorate from breathing to gasping for air in seconds.

Then you also have people dying due to hospitals having cancelled all elective surgeries, transplants on hold, chemo therapy stopped. Indirectly killed by the pandemic.

Then you have things that are the opposite of what you would expect. You would expect fewer traffic related deaths due to much less traffic

The number of car crashes is indeed plummeting due to lower traffic volumes on American roads, but the rate of car crashes is actually up in many cities — as are the injury and fatality rates for both drivers and vulnerable users.

Evidence is beginning to emerge that absent traffic jams during the coronavirus crisis, many drivers are getting more reckless. And because speed is the number one predictor of crash severity, the proportion of people dying per collision is on the rise in many communities. It’s an important asterisk that’s largely missing from media reports about the COVID-19 outbreak’s effect on our streets, and one that should prompt leaders of these cities to consider other ways to slow down cars through emergency modifications to road design.

So not all those excess deaths are from covid19, but definitely due to covid19. Afaik there are no other disasters going around atm.