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LurkerJ said:

Bold: I really don't, because I don't claim moral superiority and I am not interested in issuing purity tests and drawing lines to define who's moral and who's not, and that's been my point from the very beginning, just because you've done good deeds (and you seem to have done a lot of them), you still don't get to draw lines and categorize people into good and bad based on how they want to appraoch the current crisis. 

The radical shift on how people live these have had serious OBJECTIVE consequences on mental, physical health, ecomony, education, etc. Following either the Chinese model or the Swedish model is going to have trade-offs, whichever one you choose, you are not an asshole for acknowleding the trade-offs or believing "lives taken by COVID19" isn't the only metric that should drive policy making.

I am of the personal belief that anyone who is willing to give up their life to save others gets to take a degree of moral superiority.
Be it Military, Police Officers or the like. - They have proven they are moral.

Either way, I can and will judge other peoples moralities, I will judge the good and bad deeds someone has done and I will draw "lines" so to speak, religion has been doing it for thousands of years... And so will I.
You should be aware of what I am like as a user, I don't mince words to save face, I don't care, I will say how I think it is.

So if someone is willing to place the economy over life, I will judge them for it and I will judge them harshly for it... And I am of the belief that they lack empathy and morality because of it, money is a material object, life is not, life is far more valuable.

Someones health, education and so forth doesn't need to be forfeit due to lock down measures, I am doing a diploma with lectures given to me on a weekly basis, digitally, my education hasn't halted.
Teachers are teaching their students over the internet.

Businesses are operating over the internet, taking orders, doing deliveries, they changed their business models... For example my local movie theater shut down, so the owners started to deliver DVD/Blu-Ray movies with popcorn, drinks and chocolate and other stuff and are turning a profit.

Is it an ideal situation? Hell no. But neither are hundreds of thousands of people including children and babies that end up dead... And some of the people that survive the disease may have to endure with life-long health implications that may impact their ability to contribute to the economy and self life achievements and become a burden on the health care system.

Either way... YOU said that me being "charitable" isn't an achievement because we live in the "first world". - And told me to question the extent I go out of my way to assist others because people in the world are still starving to death... You even went out of your way to assert that I don't do enough.

So with the list I provided prior... Am I doing enough? Or are you just trying to save face now?

Here is the list again:


* I donate to charities to feed the homeless and poor.
* I cut people out of vehicles that have been in a vehicle accident.
* I scale down 200 feet high cliffs to rescue people from the bottom.
* I run into the burning building to pull a parents trapped child out while everyone else is trying to escape.
* I stand between towns and cities and raging bushfires.
* I venture out to sea to pluck people out of the Ocean after their boats have sank.
* I respond to toxic spills/leaks in Hazmat that could silently kill allot of people.
* I will jump into a small blow-up boat and travel down swift water rivers to rescue people.
* I dangle from a rope at the end of a helicopter to rescue people stuck in flood waters.
* I crawl in confined/restricted spaces with compromised atmospheres to rescue animals and stuck people.
* I dig through collapsed rubble/buildings to pull people out after a building collapse/earth quake.

I even respond to incidents involving the Coronavirus... Last week, I responded to a child who was stuck underneath a train.


LurkerJ said:

Nope, my premise is that people who take into considerations the downsides of lockdows and believe that there should be more to policy making than just "preventing death by this one communicable disease" aren't assholes, and they have a point, and they should be given the benefit of the doubt. And that those who draw lines to define morality using the "COVID19 deaths" stick should spare us because it's hypocritical to pick that one crisis that they happen to care about, and ignore the rest of the crises that have plagued that modern word for decades. 

That's a false equivalency. You don't know what people do in their private or professional lives to assert that they do nothing in other "crises".

Don't be selfish. Just stay at home... Protect your self, your friends, your family and those who are vulnerable.

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