forest-spirit said: Ok, I have to ask: is this a Donald Trump roleplay or do you actually believe the crap you're posting? |
I always believe in everything I say, sometimes I might add some humor into my posts.
As to why we doing unbelievable good is because we beating all the math models, the most famous one is the imperial college London, the dude behind this is Neil Ferguson who recently said in a interview on youtube channel Unherd that our daily dead is just gonna keep increasing and we won't achieve herd immunity. We are beating him. Another famous math model is at the site which says our daily dead is gonna increase to ~500 in late may. And we gonna need 4000+ ICU beds, we currently using ~400 and it's going down.
Than we have the 22 famous scientists that went public against us here in Sweden, one of them retweeted another math model that about 90k swedes is gonna die, we won't even be close to reaching this number. And one them also made a math model which said we gonna need 2000 ICU beds in Stockholm in May and 5000 ICU beds in June, ofc they never mentioned this. It's actually from them I got all the previous links on Anders Tegnell and Johan Giesecke, about 90-95% will barely notice anything from this virus and Johan giesecke criticizing other countries and other countries should do as we doing. You should note they have gotten everything wrong, but they don't mention this.
I don't see what Donald Trump has do to with anything.
John2290 said: Hopefully this doesn't start an outbreak. Good sunlight, good humidity and evaporation. Could go either way.
This is why I think Gavin Newsom is doing a bad job, this is just gonna get worse and worse, he should had expected this. I think he's trying to execute the South Korean model to deal with this pandemic. But it's just a fantasy that this will work in the US.
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