World update:
Total world wide cases is holding steady, Europe and the USA have swapped places in reported cases, while both are slowly going down week over week.
Worldwide week over week is actually down a bit 93.8% compared to the 3 day average one week ago.
For the USA it's 91.4% week over week.
Europe is currently at 88.1% week over week.
I'm starting to track the other continents as well now Europe and USA are starting to decline.
Current 3 day average cases is at 87.9K daily reported cases and 5.5K reported deaths
North America leads with 40.8% of daily reported cases and 41.1% of daily reported deaths
Europe follows with 29.4% of daily reported cases and 38.8% of daily reported deaths
Asia is adding 14.6% of daily reported cases and 6.4% of daily reported deaths
South America is at 12.9% of daily reported cases and 12.7% of daily reported deaths
Africa currently sits at 2.3% of daily reported cases and 1.0% of daily reported deaths
Oceania is pretty much clear at 0.02% of daily reported cases and 0.04% of daily reported deaths
The southern hemisphere is still much better off. Maybe the warm weather helps, however cases are growing rapidly in South America.
Brazil still growing and is already over 400 daily reported deaths.
Canada, to peak or not to peak. While Ontario is slightly down, Quebec is posting records again :/
Iran and Turkey, reliability is questionable with those very steady reported numbers, Iran in cases, Turkey with deaths.
Japan seems to be drawing a mountain scene with their method of testing.
China, Australia and South Korea are down to avg 10 cases or less per day.