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I'm genuinely curious what to do in this thread, if I'm being honest. Like, okay, I get that it's for LGBT+ folks to talk and to be themselves, but what end? Is it to discuss our sexuality? Is it to talk about LGBT+ representation? is it a gaymer dating app? Like, what could we even do if not discuss our feelings on representation in the media?

I'm not being critical, but I'm having a hard time thinking of things to say that are on topic and appropriate without discussing things like the Ellie Lesbian 'issue' (it's not an issue except to bigots who want it to be an issue).

Should we talk about what same-sex characters we wanna bang?
Maybe talk about our platonic crushes?
Characters we wish were gay?
Games that exclusively deal with LGBT+ issues?

I just don't see much room to discuss the issue without it bleeding over into some variation of the controversies that surround the group. Plus, by corraling all the LGBT+ folks into a corner, it's doing the opposite of normalizing us and in some ways ostracises us. I do understand the intention, but the best way to feel comfortable and to feel welcome is to be able to talk about, discuss, and share our opinions on the matter wherever we want rather than being put in a box. The best way to normalize LGBT+ representation and inclusion is to...act like it's normal (Which is exactly what The Last of Us 2 did, much to the chagrin of a vocal minority of fools).

I WANT to discuss these issues, I WANT to address the bigotry, I WANT to make progress, but I don't think this thread is a good way to do so. All it feels like to me is 'you gay folks go over there. Non gays, stay out, oh, and you're not allowed to get saucy by discussing the controversies'. to me, it's a 'Get out' conundrum. Trying TOO hard to be inclusive and welcoming really only leads to being weird and awkward, a type of bigotry that, though nowhere near as bad as outright hate crime, is still pretty offensive.

There's always a chance I'm misreading the situation, but that's how I personally feel. Either turn this thread into a place to discuss these issues, or don't have the thread at all. Anything else just feels...weird and awkward and uncomfortable.

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