Mandalore76 said:
You realize that influenza alone killed about 60,000 people in the US last year (more than the Vietnam War)? So no it's not hard to compare a single virus death toll to an entire manmade conflict. |
Influenza also typically infects a larger percentage of the population than what the Corona virus has thus far done... We even name entire seasons the "Flu Season" because it's a fact of seasonal life.
But... The other issue with the Flu is that... If people got vaccinated, people wouldn't die, there is a viable, proven, preventative... Obviously you will get some nutters who think that getting a Flu jab will give them Autism though.
Today marks the 9th day without any new confirmed Corona cases, more social restrictions are being removed in shopping centers and so forth.
Politicians are claiming that this is one of the safest places in the world to get away from Corona, take that as you will, they're career politicians.
There aren't many fears of a "second wave" even from medical experts as we remove restrictions because spreads would come from interstate or overseas rather than localized transmission, so I doubt we will see a similar situation here as we are now seeing in Japan. - We could fuck up big time or not, lessons will be learned either way.
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