Plan now in most states with republican governors is to open up the economy again and if low wage front line workers don't want to go back to work from fear of not being protected enough then they will just be booted off unemployment rolls. Oh and republicans want to have protection for employers so they can't be sued even if they don't provide their workers with adequate gear, testing or response.
So you either show up to your low wage job and possibly get sick and die or you can starve and possibly die. This is class warfare and no matter how many of us poor people die we will still outnumber the ultra rich. Time to grab pitchforks and form a socially distanced mob from California to DC.
Can't wait for the second spike. I'm looking around mid May to return back to my job which luckily for me is manufacturing job that isn't too crowded with people.
Last edited by sethnintendo - on 30 April 2020