KiigelHeart said: I'd much rather be in trenches drowning in mud than have a sore throat and aching muscles. |
Damaged kidneys, heart, lunges, even heart and brain tissue.
Blood clots forming all over the place.
A trip to a hospital, sitting with a tube up your nose, pushing in high oxygen,.... lateron a trip to a ventilator.
Some people barely get any effects.
Others survive, but afterwards they have brain damage, or lunges/kidneys/heart ect.
There was a Actor that got put on a ventilator, got a blood clot (the virus does this), and his leg got amputated.
He survived, with only minor damage to his lunges, but lost a leg.
This virus doesnt kill many, but alot that survive will have signs of it.
This isnt to say you cant "live" with brain damage, or ruined lunges, or reducted kidney/heart funktion.... but probably not fun.
The best option is still to avoid getting infected.
There seems to be little ryme or reasoning as to how badly it goes.