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Okay so I'll give an update on the situation in The Netherlands. Things are still going the right way, with numbers dropping almost as fast as they rose. Almost. Monday there was King's Day, which means, even though there were no organised celebrations this year, pretty much everyone had a day off, which meant there was a spike in reporting yesterday to catch up with the numbers.

Today they announced;

  • 514 new cases (about 11% of tests are positive)
  • 84 new hospitalisations
  • 84 new registered deaths from the last few weeks where one occurred as far back as 20 March

In total that makes;

  • 39,316 cases, of which an unknown number has been recovered
  • 10,769 hospitalisations over the course of the epidemic
  • 4,795 deaths

Graphs from the report;

The number of registered new cases per day, yellow means those added today.

The number of hospitalisations per day, this isn't the total amount of people in hospitals, it is the amount of new people per day, again yellow is those registered today.

ICU occupancy, this is the total amount of people at any given day in ICU. The two days after the dotted line can still be slightly adjusted up or down.

The amount of reported deaths per day, yellow those added today.

Current 'corona-measures' are still in effect until 20 (-ish, I forgot the actual day) May. A week before that they'll decide what happens afterwards with bars, restaurants and things like zoos and museums. Shops, except hair dressers and similar things, never closed. A handful of bigger chains did close, but most of have reopened this or last week. Primary schools and child daycare are reopening 11 May, the rest at a later day. Sports for children has resumed this week, though no matches. Events and professional sports are still cancelled until 1 September.