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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Soundwave said:

The Playstation 4 is going to sell, what 130 million+ units? I doubt Sony really gives two shits about someone talking down their success in the business lol. Their network services have years where they're making more than XBox or Nintendo's entire game divisions. They're probably doing something right. 

130M+? Not like this.

PS4 sales are way down already from last year, and continue to drop fast. Unless the PS5 is a massive flop at launch which makes people buy the current gen instead, the PS4 won't get past 125M. At the end of the year the console will be at around 116M with sales dropping fast and that will just accelerate with the arrival of the PS5, especially with the latter being backwards compatible, thus eliminating the need to buy a PS4 for PS4 games.

Actually disagree, it’s slowing down yes, but I think ps4 will sell alongside ps5 for the first 2 years especially if it’s msrp is roughly $500. Sony does extremely well with there services and they’ll maintain both with 2 consoles selling on the market with ps5 slowly gaining traction afterwards. Most games will be multiplat with a couple huge hits only on ps5. I can see a price cut down the line, possibly before holiday this year.  I could be wrong though lol