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Barozi said:
UK added ~4000 deaths from places outside hospitals and will continue to count them in the future.

Excess mortality.
When its drastically higher than "avg deaths" that occure in your country around this time of year, on avg in past.
Something has to be the reason.

Then you count that, and compaire it to your offical Covid19 deaths, and you can a "clearer" picture of just how far off your numbers probably are.


"Global coronavirus death toll could be 60% higher than reported" - Financial times.

"In all the countries analysed except Denmark, excess deaths far outnumbered the official coronavirus death tolls. The accuracy of official death statistics from the virus is limited by how effectively a country is testing people to confirm cases." - Financial times.

(basically most countries numbers are way way off...... Financial times, apparently looked at our excess mortality vs our reported covid19 deaths, and concluded we were like the only one out of the 60 they looked at that reported accurately)

Since differnt countries count things differntly, just looking at excess mortality (in % or hard numbers) might be better.

If the USA started counting Home deaths (likely releated to covid19) and those at nurseing homes, Im pretty sure, their number of deaths would be  past 80,000 by now.

case in point, NYC has reported 16,673 deaths at a time when their excess mortality for this time periode, was ~21,000 higher than normal
that basically means NYC alone probably under reported actual deaths caused by Covid19 by like 4300 deaths.

Its likely its like this other places in the USA too.

Anyways good on the UK getting ontop of the counting.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 29 April 2020