LurkerJ said:
We seem to have a new breed of people who are happy to claim moral superiority because they care about lives claimed by the coronavirus, when most of them couldn't care less about preventable deaths literally weeks ago. You guys are worse than pompous vegans.
10 million people die yearly of hunger when we have 10 times that number of obese people walking around, what have you done for that?
If you want to care about lives taken by the virus, go ahead, do that, but know that you're not a better person just because you care more about people of your color dying, since a part of this new caring passion of yours is born out of pure selfishness, those who want to have a conversation about life going back to normal are not heartless monsters, no more than you are anyway.
Not to mention, lockdowns are being eased now while fully knowing that deaths will spike despite all the measures that will stay in place, in other words, at one point, everyone is going to balance the loss of lives against loss of jobs and livelihood, it's happening right now at an international level, so just because some of us are comfortable having that conversation weeks earlier than the rest doesn't make them assholes.....
A good bunch of them are literal assholes though, I mean a lot of them voted for Trump.
I don't think anyone is against talking about opening up again, because it'll happen eventually anyway. But there is a big difference between talking about it or considering it and going on the streets to demand it NOW based on misguided values and paid by corporations.