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John2290 said:
This whole Trump thing, while a good distraction, is not helping anyone. Infact it's probably helping Trump more cause I've seen media twist his words to high heaven, NBC "The presidents suggestion that people should inject household cleaner and disinfectants" I mean, what the fuck. Trump gave you a nuclear bomb but you still had to try and up the yield, NBC, I swear they are on Trumps side and try everything to help him, I'm sure of it at this point and lol at Trump trying to play it off as sarcasm, he really is a child. Anyway, there is more important things to worry about than the president a mumbling some shit about treatments he heard and didn't understand. The UV light in the lungs is a real patent, the disinfectant in the body has been done before and I'm sure he was briefed on these treatments and just cocked up the inquiry on the podium, all he had to do was admit it, do his usual double and triple down and this wouldn't be a topic anymore, his base would believe him and everyone outside his base would question themselves enough to have serious doubts of the truth. It's what he always does and it work, why does he continually have to fuck up over and over again in this pandemic...can he not hand the damn job to Pence until it's over cause watching this shit along with the cold war with China behind the scenes is getting a bit nerve racking at this point.

I'm still a little confused by this post.  The disinfectants have been used in body before?  There have been some people in past that drank bleach and some have died. 

They were talking about effectiveness of bleach, alcohol and other products like Lysol on the virus before Trump started asking about putting disinfectants in the body so automatically that makes it sound to any normal person that he is asking about somehow using household cleaning products inside one's body.  So tell me what disinfectants are safe to inject into someone's body.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 27 April 2020