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It's Sunday, with Sunday numbers. World wide reported deaths is down to 62% of what it was yesterday, reported cases 81% of yesterday.
The USA stays ahead of Europe, both seeing the same Sunday decline.

Tomorrow will be a bad day, worldwide reported cases will go over 3 million while the USA will cross the 1 million.

Canada did the weekend dip as well, can't tell whether we reached the peak yet or if it's going to rise higher again next week. Another case was reported in my local county as well. Definitely not done yet, and probably why the school closures have been extended to May 31st.

Meanwhile Canadians are starting to get impatient and bored of social distancing.

Google's Community Mobility Report for Canada found that activity in Canadian parks was down nearly 40 per cent from baseline levels by the end of March. Time spent in places affected by government closure orders was down even more substantially – over 50 per cent for retail and recreation destinations and close to 60 per cent for workplaces. Time spent at home, meanwhile, was about 30 per cent above what Google normally measures.

Apple's Mobility Trends Reports tracked similar conclusions for Canada despite reporting data differently. While Google is tracking location data on phones and comparing one place's current traffic level to its pre-pandemic activity, Apple bases its reports on requests for directions in Apple Maps.

Looking at searches for walking and driving routes, Apple measured Canadians' movement activity as being 50 per cent or more below usual levels for most of late March and early April, while public transit-related activity was down by more than 80 per cent.

Mobility is going back up.

You can get the Google data for your own country here

Japan is an interesting case where shutting down maybe was too early, people didn't think it was necessary and as a result they still got hit

I plotted the reported cases in Japan on top of the Apple data (logarithmic scale for the reported cases with key amounts added to illustrate)
My data starts Februari 19th at avg 10 reported cases per day. The country slows down, reported cases remain low. Japan goes back to moving around but then some more people start dying and reported case numbers start climbing. Movement in Japan slows down again with reported cases reaching a peak of 743 on April 11th, now back down to avg 360 per day.