John2290 said:
Oh bollachs, the planets surface would be nothing but ever green trees if it weren't for us. Anyway, if we die in billions now or loose technological and inrastructural control of our systems, the planet is in for doomsday, all that will be left are cockroaches and burrowing animals. The planet isn't very smart if this is it's plan. |
The planet isn't a "thing" that has comprehension or plans and thus doesn't "choose" to do anything and thus has no degree of intellectual fortitude, so it's neither "smart" nor "dumb".
It is a rock, floating through space, orbiting a star. - We are just along for the ride. That is all there is to it.
Even when our Star becomes a red giant and evaporates our atmosphere and oceans making all life extinct... The planet will still be here.
EricHiggin said: I wonder who thought up blasting the human body with radiation? Why would they think that? 'Obviously' that was ridiculous because of the harm it would do. Good thing that thought was bashed, rejected, and squashed long ago before they eventually started curing people with that 'idiotic' idea, right? |
Are you really supporting the insane idea of injecting disinfectant? I mean really?
Radiation therapy was thoroughly researched and studied and continues even to this day, it is supported by the scientific method. - It is not the same as injecting yourself with disinfectant by some crazy leader who has no clue about science or health.
EricHiggin said:
It really has. It was implied by others that Trump was saying that people should be injecting themselves with disinfectants. He simply asked if that was possible then suggested the medical doctors may want to take a look at that, and there was no response one way or another from them as far as I could hear. |
Everyone with at-least a slight clue on toxicology or basic biology would have known it wasn't possible.
And if Trump had listened to the experts in the medical field and sought actual advice and information he wouldn't have made the stupid suggestion in the first place... And thus not made the USA the laughing stock of the planet.
EricHiggin said: Not being 100% certain of everything means someone is uneducated? It's common sense? What about how stupid most people are in general, as you said? Trump was bragging and praising himself about asking the question? When? The entire world is laughing at America? The, entire, world? I'd ask how certain you were, but common sense tells me... though my stupidity... |
Trump is always praising and self promoting himself at every single possible opportunity, that is what he lives for.
If you don't have a grasp on a particular topic, then you are uneducated when it comes to that particular topic, that is all there is to it... And Trump has proven when it comes to Health, Toxicology and more... He is uneducated.
But instead of improving his education, he rambles off crazy ideas which are not scientifically proven or supported.
Professor Murphy for instance was smiling and giggling at Trumps suggestion... So yeah. The planet is laughing at America, myself included. - Does that bother you? If so, elect a better representative next time!
EricHiggin said: If it was saving lives right now you would presume Trump would've been made aware, so there would be no reason to ask. Hydroxychloroquine is helping to save some lives as far as I've seen. Some people do dumb things, yes. I'm not going to point out what the opposition has led some people to do. If people in general are stupid, again as you stated, then surely some are really dumb, and so because a few may make a terrible decision because of that, nobody with any type of widespread reach should say anything at all, considering it could potentially lead to someone hurting themselves? Since when does someone asking questions make them all knowing? If someone was taught that, it's the teachers fault, not someone else's. |
Hydroxychloroquine is an unproven method and isn't saving lives.
There is the saying that "There is no such thing as a stupid question" - Trump has proven that statement to be false.
EricHiggin said: Trump does act like that at times, so if both can't go together, he should pick one, and so should anyone pointing out what they find negative about him, and it can't be that he's a moron but also a genius. It goes both ways. People follow him, but he also represents them? The people who are stupid in general? And their leader should be a perfect genius? There's still many things we don't know. Do we truly know everything there is to know about chemistry and the human body today? When people are so stupid in general, 'educated' people have to elaborate. |
Of course people should point out where he falls short. He is the elected leader of the united states, if he is doing a shit job, he should be ridiculed for it.. Not praised for it.
Trump needs to listen and take note of the experts in the field of science, health and toxicology and more, not ignore them and go off on his own tangent, that is actually ignorance on Trumps behalf... Especially when he can pick up a phone and get the information he needs at the drop of a hat.
EricHiggin said: Trumps not a scientist and he didn't suggest using it, he asked if it could be. Everything can be dangerous if you look at it that way. |
Trump framed the suggestion as a question, don't sugar coat it, don't twist it around to suit the Trump agenda.
He didn't get advice from experts, he is the one at fault, no one else.
EricHiggin said: Trumps not the most presidential speaker. He also could be more clear at times. Every leader has flaws, and some flaws are much worse than others. Some training probably wouldn't hurt, though it would never be enough anyway, which is probably why he wouldn't bother. |
I don't care if he is a presidential speaker or not. If he says something stupid, he says something stupid and he thus deserves criticism for that.
His handling of the Coronavirus has thus far been incorrect, slow and often misinformed.
And now it seems Americans are placing economics above life, which in part is supported by the president.
EricHiggin said: He asked a question. The only polite suggestion was for the medical doctors to look into it possibly. Leaving it to the professionals. That seems pretty discriminatory towards someone's religion, so I'm not going to touch this one. Holding people accountable is necessary, to whatever degree, when they rightfully deserve it. |
He should have asked the question in his own time, got educated, that is not the time nor place for that.
Religion? Yeah. Don't care for it, it's not discrimination, their claims just can't hold up to the scientific method or scrutiny, thus... They deserve to be critiqued, not wrapped in bubble wrap so they don't get offended.
And yes, Trump deserves to be held accountable for his blatant failings in dealing with the Coronavirus.
LurkerJ said: Can we have a "Trump" official thread? because I feel like every off-topic thread turns into a Trump thread. I really didn't expect this one to follow suit and it's getting harder to scroll through Tump's posts just to get COVID19 relevant ones. |
I mean, sure. But in this instance it is still on topic.
jason1637 said: Cases went up like crazy the last two days but deaths have stayed constant. Does anyone have hospitalization numbers for each country. Its probably better to look at those for a peak. |
My state had another day of no new cases... So we are on the cusp of having eliminated COVID-19 entirely. Another week to go I guess? And then things will start to open up and economic activity will once again resume with strict border controls.
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