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The first game that comes to my mind is & will always be Xenogears, but after witnessing how SE butchered the FFVII Remake (btw FFVII & Xenogears are my 2 most favorite games ever) I don't want them to touch Xenogears, just thinking how many things can go wrong with those incompetent people handling one of the greatest JRPGs of all time, I don't even wanna think about it, they have already ruin one of my most favorite games ever, so instead of having the same horrible experience all over again with the remake of Xenogears, then it would be for the best to never see a remake of it ever, after all they are not worthy for this job, they haven't make any decent game for the past 20 years now, only trash games that can't compare in the slightest with what Squaresoft made in the 90's the golden age of JRPGs.

So if we exclude Xenogears for the reasons I explained above, the 2 games I would like most to see getting a remake is both from KONAMI, Silent Hill & MGS, I truly love both of those games, but there is another prob here, can we trust the current KONAMI to remake games of such legendary status? I'm not sure about that, Team Silent the devs who made Silent Hill 1-4 have disband & they have long gone now, Kojima as everyone knows have his own studio now so who inside KONAMI will undertake this humongous task? it would be nice if any talented people left because I would really like to play those games in the future with PS5 graphics! that would be a crazy experience as long they make the originals justice.