John2290 said:
Did ya not read what I said, everyone is pulling out of China, Globalisation if falling apart and economic deterrence were a thing until this year, now not so much. Your comment made perfect sense and reflected reality about 10 weeks ago, it's exactly what I was saying during the Iran incident a few months back. The sheilds are down and we are open, I'm hoping China doesn't relaise the inevitible and strike first while they are still strong. As for countries pulling out globally. Fucked if you do and fucked if you don't though, it's either pull out or be dependent on someone else in a disaster. Independence with the possibility of war is likely the better option looking back. Perhaps someone will come out with some master plan of a new unifed world order and we'll loose the few freedoms left to us but we'll be alive and our bellies full. I don't know what is preferable but the ability to land in any of these least harmful realities is slipping away fast, likely it already has. |
You're contradicting yourself. If China is becoming more self sufficient by people pulling out then what will they gain from war? How will that war look like? Will they just hop over to Japan and take stuff? Why?
If anyone actually believes he can unify the world then that person is probably not in politics right now. China can't even keep a tiny nation like Taiwan from revolting and you think they're gonna go to war with other nations?
China's government are total assholes, but if they have shown anything in the past decades it's that they're not idiots. Only idiots go to war.
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