Okey guys, I just recently found out why we here in sweden are doing completely the opposite what the rest of the world is doing.
There was some kind of math model called Imperial college london which had very pessimistic numbers, it was from this model Donald trump got his 2.2 million people in america would die if he did nothing. But it seems the entire world is basing their decisions on this model.
Our virus dude (Anders Tegnell) throw this model in the garbage can when he saw it, and don't follow it at all, he follows something called evidence based medicine. Now I know why he was so far ahead of everyone else and only our previous virus dude could rival him.
Having watched Johan Giesecke explain the #COVID19sweden strategy the situation feels very clear to me: @SwedishGov has chosen to trust in evidence based medicine. The rest of the western world has put it's trust in #science instead. #svpol #svmed https://t.co/OfeSBK3nBM
— Björn Smedman (@bjornsing) April 18, 2020
Edit: you need to click on the "date" to get to the tweet link!
Last edited by Trumpstyle - on 19 April 20206x master league achiever in starcraft2
Beaten Sigrun on God of war mode
Beaten DOOM ultra-nightmare with NO endless ammo-rune, 2x super shotgun and no decoys on ps4 pro.
1-0 against Grubby in Wc3 frozen throne ladder!!