LurkerJ said:
That's really stupid to point out. There is lots of new guidance out there and takes time for these new rules to become daily habits. Even doctors would tell you they're still finding it difficult to follow all the rules all the time, that doesn't mean they're not trying or they're breaking the rules on purpose. |
This. I still go to rescues and I will still shake someones hand, out of pure habit. - It's hard to break a habit.
In saying that... I think it's the second day in a row where we have no confirmed new cases... Bringing it to 1 confirmed case for the entire week, so the "risk" is low here anyway. But those habits... Need to be broken.
But I don't for think believe anyone should be criticized for failing to break those habits, it's a hard thing to do.
Hiku said:
You would have stoked the flames of people armed with guns (who often seem very 'responsible') by claiming their 2nd amendment is under siege? And likewise. The people who defend the idea to prematurely end quarantine, which mainly benefits billionaires and corporations, are probably not considering that the consequences of this could easily lead to having the worst of both worlds. Mass death and a severely (but to a lesser degree) damaged economy because of it. That's what many of us are trying to avoid. We're also considering the economy. Not ignoring it. |
Quarantine is there to protect everyone, Trump's actions and statements may have indirectly led to more deaths.
Thus he was certainly wrong.
Covid is certainly a disease that discriminates against the Aged and those with compromised health, everyone can get it, sure, but the rates of death are highest amongst those demographics.
The Aged just happens to have a larger portion of it's particular demographic fall into the conservative camp... And consequently are the ones stupidly "rallying" despite quarantine restrictions.
Just stay the fuck home. Everyone.
The other issue is that by having these so called "patriots" out protesting... They are making us first responders lives more difficult, we don't want to be dealing with any of this unless it is absolutely necessary, but they only care and think about themselves.
Nautilus said: Since when free healthcare means that you will get treatment?I have relatives in Austria, and they said that a few years ago they didn't need a health plan because the public system was just fine.But with the overload of the system because of all the immigrants caused the system to slow down, to the point that it was taking 3 full months to just perform a test.Then they switched to a paid health care system, and they have been happy ever since. Same applies for Brazil.Believe me, the health system, while good, is simply overloaded and it takes months to do simple tests.If you have something serious, and have no money to pay for a private helath care, you are dead. So my point is: Having Public Healthcare is different from being able to use it. |
Not all free healthcare is equal. I can walk into my local hospital and seek treatment straight away, in-fact everyone can.
It's not overloaded. It only takes hours to do a test, not months.
We have one of the best healthcare systems on the planet, better than your "paid" systems that you so eloquently listed, that is for sure.
And not only is the healthcare cheaper in terms of total GDP, but it's higher quality care as well, there is literally no downside to a working universal system.
Nautilus said: I will stand by what I said that most people were already infected before the lockdown was in effect, so that estimation of yours, in this cenario, would be null, because we would already be in the "worst case scenario", but alas... If people is really getting infected because they are not respecting the lockdown, then the lockdown itself is flawed.What I mean is, you can plan the best plan in the world, but it will serve you nothing if people don't stick to the plan.If the lockdown is not being respected, it means that you haven't concocted a plan that adapts to the culture and behaviour of the place that the lockdown will affect.And the only good said lockdown is doing is destroying the economy.At least based on what you said. |
Hard to say. Here a month ago we had a massive pocket of infections at the airport where workers were loading and unloading parcels/baggage and didn't come into contact with any individuals, turned out the virus can last a significant amount of time on a surface, long enough for workers to catch it while handling luggage/baggage/parcels.
When you put the economy before life, then you have a serious problem in my opinion, money can always be made and replaced again, you can't replace a life.
The economy will kickstart again, people will be working... If the USA has an appropriate social safety net it would be a non-issue.
I am an essential worker, so my job is 100% secured, but if I had to give it up to ensure the safety of the community, I certainly would, without even thinking about it.
And you are right, if the lockdown is ineffectual, then the lockdown is flawed. - But that is just another one of Trumps stuff ups, shame you can't get a competent leader to do it once, do it right.
Torillian said: And depending on the area I can see that being reasonable. Some countries can probably loosen the restrictions, some states can do so too, but the poster child for your view point I'd argue is the president of the United States and when he makes tweets about liberating Michigan (where I live), a state with the third most deaths from Corona in the nation, he can fuck right off. There are reasonable discussions to be had but "liberate Michigan" tweets aren't a part of it. |
We seem to be getting a single confirmed case once every 3-4 days here now for the entire state, so we are definitely on the cusp of completely beating it, but the lockdown is going to be retained for at-least another month until we actually, decisively kill it. - Our borders will still be closed, especially to other nations which are riddled with the disease like China and the United States, but that is just common sense.
Locally our economic activity will likely start to pick up over the next 4 weeks, that way we will be sure there aren't cases flying under the incubation period.
But yeah, Trumps handling of this is absolutely disgusting, he will certainly be held accountable in the history books... Hopefully the Americans vote him out at the next election for their sake. (Although I will miss the free entertainment.)
LurkerJ said: You need a degree and a specialised education to know that everyone in this forum is spending too much money on things they don't need while Africans kids die because of lack of basic resources? Or that the vast majority of the west doesn't care that they're part of an allegiance that supports or stands by instead of stopping foreign that leads to countless deaths? Do you really anyone to tell you that we are not devoting enough attention to those in need or caught in wars? This is how I read what you said:
Hiku, I think any honest person on this forum would admit we are all very privileged, and that most of us haven't and won't do enough for preventable deaths, and that's fine, I am not shaming anyone, we are all assholes, and my purpose in life is to be less of an a hole than I am right now. Your purity cough test is quite selective and biased, and judging ANYONE on earth based on one bad or good thing they've done is something I try to avoid because I know we're all humans who are capable of doing and saying dumb shit. |
Video games are certainly a necessity for some.
And it doesn't discount what occurs in the rest of the world.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--