Nautilus said:
I will stand by what I said that most people were already infected before the lockdown was in effect, so that estimation of yours, in this cenario, would be null, because we would already be in the "worst case scenario", but alas... If people is really getting infected because they are not respecting the lockdown, then the lockdown itself is flawed.What I mean is, you can plan the best plan in the world, but it will serve you nothing if people don't stick to the plan.If the lockdown is not being respected, it means that you haven't concocted a plan that adapts to the culture and behaviour of the place that the lockdown will affect.And the only good said lockdown is doing is destroying the economy.At least based on what you said. |
^ that is stupid.
Science says otherwise.
They have "proven" how long a incubation time on avg there is.
So its not that people were already infected 2 months or more ago and are now getting sick.
Its that the "shutdown" isnt perfect, in stopping spread.
Now does this mean you shouldnt try to stop spread? just because it isn't 100% effective? ofc not!
Some mitigation is better tha none.
taken from Neogaf:
Covid-19 and Mongol siege:
-Dude, can't we open the gate?
-We've discussed it already, mongols are still there.
-But my cabbages!
-But we are sitting around like this FOR WEEKS!
-That's how siege works.
-But mongols haven't killed anyone for several days already.
-That's because we are all behind the walls.
-How do you know? Maybe mongols are not as dangerous as you think!
-I mean, how bad could it be? They certainly won't kill us ALL, right?
-That's exactly what they'd do
-But my cabbages...
"you can plan the best plan in the world, but it will serve you nothing if people don't stick to the plan.If the lockdown is not being respected, it means that you haven't concocted a plan that adapts to the culture and behaviour of the place that the lockdown will affect." - Nautilus.
Rekkless people will cost lives, stupid people will cost lives, impatient people will cost lives, people not respecting the lockdown will cost lives.
Thats just how the world is.
Doesnt mean you shouldnt try to prevent needless deaths.
Yes, it would be great if people stopped doing things that made the spread go faster, or last longer.
That way we could all sooner return to a normal world.
Sadly theres enough asshats around, thats never gonna work out that way.
This will take time to get through.
You cant place all the blame on the people makeing plans to get people through this time, with as little deaths as possible.
Most has to be placed at the people that arn't following the guidelines asked off them.