Torillian said:
And depending on the area I can see that being reasonable. Some countries can probably loosen the restrictions, some states can do so too, but the poster child for your view point I'd argue is the president of the United States and when he makes tweets about liberating Michigan (where I live), a state with the third most deaths from Corona in the nation, he can fuck right off. There are reasonable discussions to be had but "liberate Michigan" tweets aren't a part of it. |
While I agree with Trump, he is not my poster child.I'm not american, I would argue that most of the users here aren't, so I couldn't care less what he says about one specific situation.I just happen to agree with him on something that I have already made up my mind(and continue to believe I'm correct) way before he or any other president said anything.
I just want you guys to go to the end with your logics.You think that locking down everything might make everyone feel more safe, but what about the person that will have his business ruined because of this and commit suicide(believe me it's more common than you think)?Or those in developing countries that might actually starve to death because he was fired because of the lockdowns(since the employeer couldn't afford to keep the company afloat and pay him)? Or people dying of curable diseases because they couldn't afford paying their health care because they were unemployed and the public healthcare couldn't slot a place for him in time?
Just want you all to think that, the ones defending a more moderate and reasonable "lockdown" is also thinking on the lives of the others, so that we can all mitigate the damage of the virus.
My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.