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John2290 said:
JRPGfan said:

I don't get it so, you can write Australia and California off as immune systems are high from the Aussie summer and the ever sunny Californian weahter but how do you account for India? They should be seeing thousands of deaths by now with the numbers they had at the start of their lockdown? Are they dead in their homes or what? And south Africa, the place should be like Italy at peak by now... what is the factor here that is keeping, thankfully, the tide at bay?

Look at europe:

France had 1000 confirmed infected back in 6th of march.
India had 1000 confirmed infected back in ~30th of march.

Theres a ~24 day differnce in when infections "really" hit both of them, and started growing.
So again give it time, its early for the outbreak in india.

That said,.... this virus mainly hits the old & weak that already have preconditions.
Avg age in india is much lower than in say most parts of europe, and most of them are thin and in decent health.
(smokeing, overweight, diabetes isnt a huge issue in india, compaired to rest of world)

I think alot more in time (say 24days from now) in india will have gotten infected than in most places in europe.
However I think they will on avg have less deaths pr infection than most other places.

Simply because large amounts of their population are young and relatively healthy.

"And south Africa, the place should be like Italy at peak by now"

Look at when they had 1000 infected = march 27th.
Again the "spread" only just started there, compaired to europe, they are still very early in their outbreaks.

Also the benefit of spread hitting you late, and knowing in advance is you can put in place things (social distanceing) before the spread is too much of a issue. Europe didnt have that benefit, we got screwed over, much more so than america, by china lieing about this virus.

So again stuff like that effects how the spread goes in countries.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 17 April 2020