newwil7l said:
No surprise. As idiotic as Trump is being, and he is being very idiotic to save face because he knows he dropped the ball and made a fool of himself and will likely lose in November as a result. It is important to not forget how badly WHO fucked up too, mainly due to Chinese politics per usual. Had this been handled by experts from the beginning across the globe without the rampant politics this virus would have been curbed long ago. I'm totally in favor of scientific run governments at this point. We can trust the current idiots. |
The WHO was too slow, yet "After finally declaring an emergency on January 30" Italy didn't lock down until March 8th while Wuhan locked down Januari 23rd. The Diamond Princess was declared an Emergency on Februari 4th, plenty evidence the genie was out the bottle, Pandora's box was opened. Princess Cruises confirms that a guest from Hong Kong who traveled for five days on Diamond Princess from Yokohama (Tokyo) on January 20, and disembarked in Hong Kong on January 25, tested positive for coronavirus on February 1, six days after leaving the ship. Italy also confirmed positive tests Januari 31st. That should have set alarm bells off world wide, yet we waited, and waited, and waited some more.
Had we not be so concerned with the economy and keeping the borders open, many many deaths could have been prevented, and the economy would be less fucked now. Slow response all around let this happen. It was clear stuff went very badly in Wuhan, it was clear the virus had traveled outside of Wuhan, yet we waited. This thread started on Januari 23rd, it was no secret shit was hitting the fan.