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"I literally almost choked when I discovered that Americans on average pay $10,000 to have a baby... And some hospitals even charge the mother to hold their child after birth. That is insane. Criminally insane."

I bet 8/10ths of that is just pure profits too.
Theres no way it should cost that much.
Ontop of which, no country with universal healthcare would ask new parents to shoulder such a bill.

Most places you get "help" (economically) when you choose to have a baby, so its easier to start a family.

The paying to hold your own child after you gave birth.... thats just one a whole 'nother level.
Are there mothers that then choose not to hold their own child, to save a few bucks? at hospitals.
Thats sick, its sick you would charge these mothers for that too.

I just assumed every country after delivery, you gave the baby to the mother to hold for abit.
Its what you see in movies, every damn one, and in practis if you ever go to see a birth.
Which mother wouldnt want to see or hold their own baby after birth? none.


On the matter of better health care systems..... USA got off lightly with their spread of this thing.
Europe got royally screwed over, it spread too far before it was discovered.
US had plenty of time to act, before outbreak became as serious there.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 13 April 2020