Lafiel said:
better than most countries huh? I see the US in the bottom 10% for cases per million and deaths per million (obviously ordered by the less the better) over at worldometers |
I am talking in terms of totals of course.
And the USA isn't even entering the recovery phase yet... There could be more peaks.
And that is in stark contrasts to other countries starting to talk about having defeated the pandemic.
newwil7l said:
Yup it sure isn't. The denial is seen first hand by people ignoring per capita statistics showing that several European powers with a universal healthcare dropped the ball harder than the USA. The USA didn't handle it well, but the very transparent narrative to try and pretend they handled it worse than every other developed nation is truly hilarious. Who do people think they are fooling here when they compare the raw death count of a country with 330m people to countries with 30m-80m people? |
Not all Universal Healthcare systems are created equal.
But it's without a doubt that several universal healthcare systems like Australia and New Zealand's has made the American approach seem comical by comparison.
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