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Some good news

TORONTO -- A Canadian bioscience firm has received federal approval for production and distribution of a device it claims can produce COVID-19 test results in less than an hour.


Under current testing models in Canada, swabs must be sent to centres in large cities for testing, which can lead to delays in results and backlogs at laboratories. Lem believes his device will help solve that problem.

“They have to send the results back to whoever ordered the test, so that's why it can take days or even over a week, to get the test results,” he said. “In contrast, with our portable COVID-19 DNA testing device, you're getting results right away.”

Spartan Bioscience estimates it can produce 1.5 million of these tests each month.

“So we are massively ramping up our supply chain so that we'll be able to produce millions of tests every month," Lem said. "As we're able to meet candidates demand, then we'll be in a position to help the rest of the world.”


There are several rapid testing devices being developed around the world, including in the U.S., Europe and South Korea.

In South Korea, Kogen Biotech produced a rapid testing device last month that led in the nationwide effort to flatten the curve in their country. With the help of the device more than 300,000 people were able to be tested through drive-in centres.

Lem said Kogen Biotech’s device relies on final results from a lab, however, compared to his product which can produce results on the spot.