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John2290 said:

Dust masks will do as long as they don't have grates or other filters. It's just to stop your breath from spreading that two meters and it works, Tokyo is, or at least was a great example.

I think people should wear them just incase, it can't hurt and they are definitely more effective than a scarf unless you have that shit, real, real tight. A bandana would also work if it is tight ans big enough to tuck under your shirt but it's so damn uncomfortable. 

One thing is for sure, many western nations won't adopt mask em mass becuse people care less about others than they do for themselves so societal prevention measure take a back seat plus the whole vanity aspect of it. I'm putting on a dust mask anymore going out and I couldn't give a fuck, I wouldn't be able to deal with the shame if I turned out to have it and gave it to some other poor sods just so I don't feel like an ass. 

@OP, forgot to mention my Governemnt got systems in place the day after lockdown statted, to deliver food and medicines to my fathers home and to the house I'm currently living in as both him and my patient are considered vulnerable people and on top of that my extended family is helping me out when I need it which is an absolute Godsend I can't even express it in words. I feel a wee bit useless and emasculated but at least neither or myself are wanting for anything atm... except for latex gloves, what I'd do for a pack of latex gloves and and a UV light box, I tell you, This disinfecting everything that comes into the house and worrying if I missed anything is something never thought I'd be doing let alone being told how to do it procedurally. Pretty crazy times and I will be going for mtnfull drivers licence the second this pandemic gets under control, a gun licence, survival gear and 6 months of MRE's and other long haul food packs. I'll never allow myself fell this helpless again. 

I don't have dust masks either, would need to go to a diy store to see if they have some. I didn't get any since they were considered pointless and price gauged. For now, no need to go out, we got plenty stuff to eat. I don't talk much either lol and yeah it's very uncomfortable with a scarf around your head, needed here when going out mid winter when it's -20c outside. (Perhaps a good tip for supermarkets, crank the AC up to max lol)

My wife is allergic to anything with latex, so gloves etc are out. We can't have balloons in the house either. Double whammy for her when going out to stores or anywhere now, which she doesn't.

Anyway that's just a very small risk, there are much bigger risks still going on. Like now with Easter. My sister is sharing homeschooling with a neighbor, so the kids go to one house one day, the other the other day. Not advised, but she's stubborn and needs to work as well. Then she's visiting my dad with her kid for Easter and before or after the kid goes to my sister's ex (the dad, visitation rules for divorced people still need to be followed) who takes her to his family for Easter. And so the chain continues. It's slower but, 6 degrees of separation, it's still all connected. Many divorced people with kids hook up with other divorced people with kids and connections multiply through visitation.

Meanwhile teenagers are flaunting social distancing rules and still go do stuff together in small groups. Are those always the same groups, probably not. Hence all these models only account for 60% effectiveness of social distancing. It's enough to get the curve to flatten, but it explains why it takes such a long time to get down from the peak. We're now well behind the rapid decline China managed in Wuhan.

At least some people start to smarten up. Stopping healthcare workers from working at multiple nursing homes is one thing that should have been obvious from the start. A friend of my parents in law has been self quarantined for 2.5 weeks now. She's pretty sure she has it (all the symptoms) but won't go to a clinic to get tested, since what's the point... It would only risk the health of other people. She gets food dropped off outside and is avoiding all contact. Why can't they drop off a test kit in the mail box, then collect it again later in the day... Hopefully she doesn't deteriorate and gets better soon.

Not much you can do but to avoid other people. Definitely not go to the super market and start fighting with the staff (70yr old idiot here that didn't like to be told to keep 2 meters distance for his own safety) Sadly there is no cure for stupidity.