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Phasma said:

I must say this thread has seen it share of trolling. I don't say NG2 sucks, beause it doesn't. But it's quite stupid to bash a game like GOW ( a darn good game indeed) and say it sucks just because you think NG2 is better. One thing i wondered was what ZenfoldorVGI said:I want a few things. Difficulty, depth, and boss battles. Have you played GOW2 and cranked up the difficulty? Really, do that. GOW2 has all of those features you said. Mediocre action elements? Dude, again...Really? Play some games would you. I Have been playing games from the nes period and i hate easy games, they give no challenge what so ever.

Trust me when I say that in all likelyhood I've played 100 times the amount of videogames you have, but lets drop that, it's personal and unimportant.

"Amount" of games doesn't matter as much as taste in games.

I've said it many times, GoW is, imo, the most over-rated series in gaming.

Instead of doing any particular thing well, it focuses more on production values and storyline. If you took Dante and put him in GoW, it would be the worst DMC game yet.

Here are my issues with the game:

A. The bosses are killed via mini-game where you press the corresponding button to what appears on screen. Most of the interesting fighs are like this. These types of mini-game are some of the worst in gaming, and amount to the in class mini-games in Bully. If you strip away everything else, this is bad gameplay.

B. Puzzles involving levers and blocks significantly slow down the pace of the game which by nature is in an already repetitive genre.

C. The ability to get stuck and backtrack to find the puzzle piece is a gameplay element that grew stale in Resident Evil 1 for the playstation.

D. The combat itself is rather bad. Upgraded moves and RPG elements are un-necessary, and add very little to your combat abilities. The vast majority of movies you can perform are made with the obviously overpowered chain weapons right out of the gate. Every 3d Castlevania has had a more complex battle system than every GoW title.

The story, character, and diversity of the game ensure that it gets high ratings for originality, but when you compare it to a real action game, it falls short.


I'm not surprised this game has a ton of fanboys. The game is "cool." It attempts to put style over substance, and when half of your short-ass game is filled with puzzles to open the door to the next room, we might as well be playing the last Prince of Persia game and saying it's better than DMC 4. You can't compare them, it's a different genre.


If you want a badass story narrative that is good for a playthrough on easy just to enjoy the story, then stick with God of War. If you want depth in your battle system, or graphics, go with Ninja Gaiden 2, because even on easy difficutly, this game will tear you apart until you learn to actually play better. It's an action game. No puzzles, throw away story, great graphics, bad camera, unbelievable difficulty, everything that a good action game has always had, back to Ninja Gaiden for the NES.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.