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Surrender said:
XGamer0611 said:
EvilChronos said:

Well I have actually been reading vgchartz for about 5 months now and I have never posted cause I really just dont care too but now I have seen enough and I must put this out there.


I see a TON of fanboys who just love to diss the ps3 and I would say 90% of the time they have NO IDEA what they are talking about so lets compare this from a person who has owned almost EVERY single system since the 8 bit nintendo. Here is a small yet significant list of why the ps3 is a VERY good system.

-It is BOTH a game system and a high def movie player all for the price of buying just 1 any other way.

-It has online play that hardly ever gets laggy and lets you do more then just play games online... music/movies/videos/demos/games and all for free! "obviously not if u buy a game or movie" Also 4 people can all download off of 1 purchase wich is tight for the obvious reason that if the game is $20 you and your friends only have to pay $5 for a good game.

-Bluetooth technology seems to be a feature in a lot of new stuff wich is obviously compatiable with the ps3

-It has less then a 1% chance of hardware failure. 

-Lots of good games and some are exclusives including some very good future exclusives.

-Besides the HDMI cable the system COMES with everything u want/need to play the right way so that sony doesnt have to nickel and dime u to death "ie Wireless/hard drive/etc..."

I could continue with this list for quite a while longer but I am getting tired of typing so lets ALL please just face the FACTS and leave it at this... the ps3 WILL eventually beat the 360 and by quite a bit. A lot of people still say thats a failure if its not a total domination but that is honestly retarded cause any person with an IQ of atleast 10 can tell u that winning by 1 or by 100,000,000 is still a WIN. Will the ps3 loose to the wii? who knows, its to early to say but I do know that they are both going to give each other a run for there money. Also to say that the wii and ps3 are not in competition is just dumb, they are both game systems and new so yes they are in compitition and I think its kinda cool cause this is the first real competition sony has had in about 8-9 years. Maybe that fact will cause sony to take some drastic measures to try and beat nintendo wich could turn into some cool technology/games for ps3 owners.

So please just be happy with the system that u bought and dont go around making stuff up and trying to start fights with other gamers who chose a system other then yours. You are doing the job of that company for free and in all since u have become a tool for doing so...


You are a fanboy if I ever saw one. Sheesh! Your points are good except for one: "It has online play that hardly ever gets laggy"

What game have you been playing? Almost every reviewer and player in the world has talked about how laggy and slow online play on PSN is. Get your facts straight on that one. Everything else you wrote is valid but you are off on the network.

Why do people defend Sony? Sony doesn't give a crap what you think all they care about is the bottom dollar.



Please, almost every player says it laggy huh? Link me 5 websites, that its stated that PSN is laggy, by EVERY single PSN player in the world.. You seriously need to get your facts straight son. Every single online game that ive played on the PS3 hasnt been laggy, sure.. laggy hosts exist, but whether you like it or not, theres laggy hosts on every online game you play, for any console. and you say Sony cares about the bottom dollar huh, what do you think microsoft cares about.. the exact same thing, possibly more then sony does, and Sony must care for their customers, because they succeeded to make a console that doesnt fail 7 times (Xbox360) quite obvious, Microsoft could careless about their customers. Everything in that post you made is false and biased, get out of here fanboy.


so why do 13 million customers now have to pay 50 bucks for rumble controllers 2 years after the launch of ps3.

yeah sony thinks of its customers alright.

btw ms are honouring the rrod 3 years warranty so get your facts right.