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John2290 said:

Good news (and bad) from Tucker Carlson, I trust this guys researchers, they are god teir at their jobs. 

The doctors found that losing a job ranked high on the list of health degrading traumas. Joblessness came in well above death of a close friend, to put it in some perspective. If you've ever found yourself unemployed with dependants to take care of, you understand this.

Unfortunately, many of our policymakers don't understand. They've never been in that position, they never will be. Our professional class doesn't have much interest in middle-class job loss or its consequences. We know that because they've essentially ignored it for decades, not to mention the family disintegration and the drug epidemics it has spawned.

He has a point, maybe law makers will finally address this situation. Maybe socialism won't be such a dirty word anymore in the USA after all this. It's not normal people in the US go to drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, even suicide for losing their job. Joblessness worse than the death of a close friend, that's not a civilized world.