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Pemalite said:

1)Uh. No.You cannot exceed the TDP, it is a hard limit in the firmware.However...
Me being an enthusiast with no fucks to give has employed various tools to tweak the firmware and push the TDP limit to 25w.

2)Uh. No. The chip shares it's TDP with the CPU and GPU... A lower load on either, will allow the other to ramp up in clockrate.

3)Capacitors? What are you even on about?

4)VRAM? You do realize this is an APU and thus integrated graphics and thus doesn't have VRAM?

1. Yes, that is why I mentioned it, there are ways to go beyond it. Usually board makers are required to build with 20-30% higher tolerance than what is the system is designed for.

2. You mean, the chip/firmware/bios does this automatically? I though you were messing with the settings or at a bios level. I don't know if such settings are available in your setup but a looong time ago I liked to hack Vbios(video card bios) and motherboard bios when the settings I wanted to change weren't available. Overcloking wasn't that much rewarding back then if you ended frying your mobo, tolerance wasn't that great, specially with the capacitor plague in the early 2000's. But essentially you're still playing with the headroom available that the TDP allows you to. If that's the case, yes your PS5 analogy is perfect.

3. Any electronics device requires capacitors to regulate voltage (capacitance=uF). They work by limiting voltage capacitance or storing it just like a battery. Usually these are embedded in the motherboard, or video card board. When people overclock and damage their boards these are the one that are blown out.

4. I do not know much about AMD APUS, but if i'm not mistaken some of them(Mini PC boxes) have a small dedicated memory pool while most others share the main system memory and use it as video memory. But either way, what I meant is that the memory used for it will get fucked up at those rates(1820mh). It will need heat-sinks or faster fan configuration, and for a portable device either it will be expensive or not practical(possible).