John2290 said:
You kid but It will actually probably end up something like that, lol. If things go really sideways into a global depression, next to food, water and shelter the people who can supply the internet are the ones who have the wealth. Internet and information as a currency, something out of a Kojima game, it certainly isn't going back the way it was anytime soon and the longer this goes on the more difficult it will be to fix, many economists are saying it's already unfixable globally but sure they know fuck all when things are going well, guessing games at the best of times. |
Currency is imaginary. That means it can be imagined to whatever it should be. Recession is just as well an imaginary thing. It happens when money stops circulating for one reason or the other. Recessions fix themselves as soon as people start consuming again. There is no such thing as a point of no return. That's just rhetoric from people who want to coax out bailouts for their fortune.
The economy is made up out of people, products and services, as long as those exist the economy will be fine. If for some reason things are not gonna be fine it's because major global players do not want to play ball because they only know how short term profits work. But that's nothing some social outrage or civil war can't fix.
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