JRPGfan said: Corn Syrup is worse than normal sugars for sweeting things. |
Corn Syrup is a "normal sugar", though. Sugar is just a generic term that includes several things (glucose, saccarose, fructose, lactose and so on).
Corn Syrup is mostly composed of glucose and fructose. Fructose is metabolized by the liver. The same fructose that is contained in fruit. The problem with (high fructose) corn syrup is that it's almost everywhere, so many people consume too much of it.
At the end of the day, all free sugars are bad and should be avoided for most of a human's life (cheating once in a while won't kill anybody). The only exception is fruit and unprocessed food that naturally contain some sugars, among many other healthy things. But as soon as these foods are processed, they can easily become unhealthy. After all, sugar (saccarose) is obtained from harmless plants. For instance, cooking some apples and turning them into jam makes them an unhealthy food option, even if you don't add more sugar. Similarly, fruit juices are a bad idea as well, despite what many believe. It's a little complicated. It's really a shame many people are so clueless when it comes to nutrition.