vivster said: (..) I'm well aware of the ramifications of this virus and I wouldn't recommend to any young person leave their house for any non essential reason. I just don't like the increased dramatization of "OH LOOK, THERE IS A SICK YOUNG PERSON! THAT MEANS THE VIRUS WILL KILL EVERYONE!" when that's incredibly far from the truth. |
I'm with you on that part.
That's actually quite annoying and is unnecessary fear-mongering. Here in the Netherlands there was this one guy, 39 or something, who was all over the news because he was on a ventilator while "he had always been so healthy". Meanwhile those 99.99% of the other people of his age that get off with just a mild cough are nowhere to be seen. The point is there's always outliers, the guy just had bad luck (or has an health issue he doesn't know about).