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The average growth measured over 5 days for March 28th shows a decline compared to a week earlier (Saturday compared to Saturday)
The USA was high due to getting testing up to speed, thus shows the biggest decline

The average growth for the world went down from 1.029x on March 21st to 0.959x 2 days ago
The average growth for the USA went down from 1.297x on March 21st to 1.023x 2 days ago
The average growth for Europe went down from 0.957x on March 21th to 0.933x 2 days ago

The USA did catch up to Europe a bit again and is now 8.39 days behind Europe in total case count.

To illustrate the weekend effect, 5 day growth average comparison from Wednesday to Wednesday looks like:

The average growth for the world went down from 1.254x on March 18th to 1.141x on March 25th
The average growth for the USA went down from 1.619x on March 18th to 1.195x 2 on March 25th
The average growth for Europe went down from 1.279x on March 18th to 1.151x 2 on March 25th

For Europe and the world on average the March 25th numbers (Wednesday) were higher than the March 21st numbers (Saturday) yet week to week shows a continuing decline. The real number is somewhere in between. The USA mostly shows the effect of getting into testing cases.

It's hard to give exact trends with so much statistical noise in the data, criteria for who gets tested and availability of tests changing all the time. But we're on the right path.