We legit gave no PPE for us first responders.
No hand sanitizer, no masks, no nitril gloves, nothing. Apparently they cannot source any... Because most of our supplies were exhausted during the bushfires and then the public hoarded what was left when the Corona virus hit.
We actually do have large amounts of hand sanitizer liquid... In barrels. - But the containers that are used to store them in are... *drumroll* Made in China.
Did several marine rescues over the weekend... And plucking members of the public out of the ocean means getting physical with other people... Plus stuck on a boat with limited space means we cannot enforce the 1.5 meter distancing rule, it is, what it is.
It's a good thing the Corona Virus is pretty much a non-issue here at the moment with no confirmed cases, but the risk is still there.
All the playgrounds, public tables and seats are all taped off now, all shops are closed except for supermarkets... Can't even go into EB Games anymore, need to do click and collect purchases.
Just wish shit could get back to normal. Sick of having to strip off in the fire truck or out in public and bag everything... And having to smell Glen 20 24/7.
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