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What level of stupid is this?

First Boris get its, now his Health Minister has it, and at the same time, they have told staff + other ministers,
"only need to self isolate if they start showing symptom!".

Everyone is about to get infected that way (if they arnt already).
its like they dont understand you can go upto 12+ days without showing symptoms, while still spreading it.

I guess this is Boris wishing for others to join him in getting to that herd immunity.

from the tube comments:
"Health Minister coughing into his hand then passing his coffee to his companion a shoulder's width apart?"
"The dude that took his coffee needs testing"
"The entire Cabinet will test positive shortly."
"What would happen if the house of Lords caught it? Most of them are well over 70."
"UK has progressively met it's herd immunity goals"

Full faith in how UK is handleing this virus thingy.

You cant make this stuff up.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 27 March 2020