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Naum said:
Sweden finally decided to banned gatherings over 50 people... we still havent heard what types of gatherings is not effected...
Still isnt enough but atleast its something.

"Criticism is mounting in Sweden of the government’s approach to Covid-19, with academics warning that its strategy of building broad immunity while protecting at-risk groups – similar to that initially adopted by the UK – amounted to “Russian roulette” and could end in disaster."

That was from 3-4days ago.
Sweden has been the most "lax" country in europe probably with reguards to this covid-19, and takleing of it.
Theres pictures of group gatherings at bars, and resturants ect.

If you look at how fast the spread is going up there, you notice its starting to pull ahead of say denmark, but surpriseingly not norway.
So whos to say how effective all this "mitigation" with lockdowns really is?

I know it takes awhile before you see any effects of such, so maybe its still to early to see if the way sweden took, leads to a worse outcome than other places.

Same holds true for the UK.