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The French are holding up well under the lock down

I skipped shopping this week since we have enough stuff for now anyway. Might as well do my part to reduce traffic and keep distance. Hopefully test capacity ramps up in Canada so there will be some clarity where the hot spots are. Quebec seems to be hit hardest so far or is most on the ball with testing. Quebec did 36K tests, 2622 still wait for results, 1629 positive (43 in ICU), while Ontario did 38k tests, 858 positive (20 on ventilators) yet still 11K waiting on results...

Ontario's Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe said that of the cases that have been investigated by public health officials, community transmission is suspected in roughly 25 per cent. However health officials have only investigated around 60 per cent of Ontario's confirmed cases.

I heard super markets here are now also limiting how many people can go inside at the same time.

Despite increased sanitation measures at stores, many Canadians remain concerned about whether the virus can be transmitted or carried into their home on the products they purchase.

“If you're talking about dry packaging, a cereal box, etc. again, the virus is not going to thrive on these surfaces,” infectious disease expert Dr. Abdu Sharkawy told CTV News.

“Remember that you're getting the virus, number one, by touching it with your own hands and then touching your own face. If you are diligent with your hand hygiene and you're not introducing anything to your mouth, your eyes or your nose, you're going to be just fine.”

Wash your damn hands!

Meanwhile our kids are already starting to drive us crazy. And the elderly neighbors of a friend of my wife killed themselves (husband shot wife then himself) :(