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SpokenTruth said:
Any of you that are wanting to ease restriction so the economy can return are resigning people to death.

If the death rate is 2.5% (we won't truly know until after the pandemic is over) and you know 100 people, you just accepted the death of approx 3 of them. So can you list them out right now which 3 you're ready to sacrifice so the rich can stop losing money?

And if you know 200 people, pick 6. Look at your friends lists. Have 1,000 friends across various social media and forums, pick which 25 have to die.

And by the way....some of you must pick yourself as one of the dead. You're still part of that 2.5%.

It's all for the greater good of the rich, right? Can't have billionaires losing millions right now, can we?

The rich will be fine after this... since they are rich after all. The businesses that are really going to be destroyed by this are those belonging to middle class people... or do you only view the world as business owner = rich, employee = poor?