A good weekend showing flattening of the curve across the board, or maybe testing is slower on a weekend. Avg growth rates are down with maybe a growth rate peak reached in Italy.
3/22 The avg global growth rate for the past 7 days was 1.14 and for the last 3 days or the current trend (1.03)
Ranking the biggest 10:
[02] US: 1.38 (1.16)
[09] UK: 1.19 (1.09)
[10] Netherlands: 1.19 (1.06)
[03] Spain: 1.12 (1.01)
[04] Germany: 1.11 (0.84)
[06] France: 1.08 (0.98)
[01] Italy: 1.08 (1.01)
[18] Canada: 1.06 (0.95)
[07] South Korea: 1.04 (1.06)
[08] Switzerland: 1.01 (0.82)
[05] Iran: 0.98 (0.97)
Between [] is the ranking on total cases found excl China. I included Canada, I doubt we have reached any peak yet, I expect slower testing to be responsible for the current drop in numbers. Widespread testing is not fully up to speed here yet. Switzerland also had a dramatic reversal, only half the number of cases reported today compared to yesterday. I expect it to be statistical outliers due to the weekend, but remain cautiously optimistic that the overall growth is indeed slowing down a bit.
Italy's slow down feels more substantial since the avg growth rate in deaths is also slowing down, 1.16 over the last 7 days to 1.07 for the past 3 days. Fingers crossed it keeps going down. There is still a long way to go to get over the top with currently 1600 deaths a day, half of the total from China every day, and 32K new cases found daily.